Old 11-06-2010, 01:39 AM
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Join Date: May 2010
Location: Northwest Georgia
Posts: 3,272

I don't have kids/grandkids, but I do have a few funny stories about my nephew. :)

#1 - He was around 4 years old, and everyone was sitting around in my living room talking. To keep him entertained while we talked, we were tossing a small ball back and forth. Every once in awhile, an adult would play a trick on him and hide the ball for a few minutes. Well, someone hid it, and my nephew was 100% convinced that I had it. I'm well-endowed up top, and had a T-shirt on that had a pocket. My nephew walked over to me, and started thoroughly (and I do mean thoroughly!) feeling of my chest, thinking the ball might be in my pocket. :shock: :lol: I tried to keep a straight face (didn't want to make a big deal of it) and distract him, but a few seconds later, I and everyone else in the room was howling with laughter. My poor nephew had no idea what was so funny, and of course, there was no way to explain it to him. Gee ... I got "felt up" by a 4-year-old! :lol:

#2 - When he was still in diapers, my nephew had a "talent" for passing gas whenever my sister would change him. She'd make a joke of it, asking him if he tooted, and then she'd say "I smell it!" Eventually, he'd tell her "I toot, 'mell it!" It was supposed to be just a funny little thing between the two of them, but you know how THAT goes! ;) They were in line at the grocery store, and my nephew loudly announced to the cashier: "I toot! 'Mell it!" The cashier was very surprised, but wasn't 100% sure she'd heard him correctly. So she asked my sister, "What did he say?" My sister ... royally embarrased ... flustered, "Oh, it must be something he heard on TV" ... and FLEW out of the store as fast as she could go! :lol:

#3 - When he was 5ish, my nephew spent a few weeks in a daycare over the summer (my sister works there). There were a couple of kids whose parents didn't watch their language. My nephew picked up on a word or two, so my sister had a talk with him to let him know that some words weren't nice to say. She told him to ask her first if there was a word he wasn't sure about. That way, they could discuss it. Sure enough, one day my nephew learned a new word. He hesitantly told my sister about it, but he didn't want to say the actual word because he thought he might get in trouble. So he described the word to her. "It starts with an F and I think it has 4 letters." :shock: My sister braced herself, and told him to go ahead and say it, just this one time, so she could see if it was the word that immediately comes to mind. :hunf: She was quite relieved when my nephew hesitantly whispered ... "fart"! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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