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Old 11-06-2010, 07:54 AM
Ramona Byrd
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Join Date: May 2009
Location: Merced, CA
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Last week we were at a high school and one of the techs was just standing there, waving and pointing to where he wanted something done, and a wasp flew in, I swear it dodged around several other people and zeroed in on his finger and stung like mad. His finger promptly started swelling and by the time we got an ice bag it was so swollen he couldn't get his ring off. We watched him carefully for hours but aside from the pain he was ok. He knows he should watch the next sting and think of carrying an EpiPen if he has any more reactions.
Don't schools have EpiPens availible for the nurses to use? My daughter used to be an EMT, which all teachers should be if schools don't have an inhouse RN.
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