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Old 11-06-2010, 11:51 AM
kay carlson
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Michigan's Upper Peninsula
Posts: 857

I haven't had a cat in decades, but enjoyed reading all the helpful tips. I do have a year old shih tzu who has cat-like behaviors. This was a first for us, but the breeder told me that it was not unusual. We use the spray bottle technique occasionally. We've put a little white vinegar in the water and he hates the vinegar odor left on his fur.Stream or spray, hitching the bottle to a pocket, or the warning OhOh has corraled his wanderlust for certain areas. I know Chief would have been up on the ironing board if a chair had been left nearby! DH says Chief is nosey, I say he is inquisitive and we both say we love him :-)
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