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Old 11-08-2010, 06:23 AM
Jan in VA
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Originally Posted by joan_quilts
.....I would rather have a machine I know how to use than one that "looks" good and is "better" than others. Boy, those ladies yapping about the money the spent would make me mad! LOL
I laughed at this because I so agree!! I know I am a master quilter; I don't need a $7000-$8000 machine or a $20,000 Gammill to prove it to myself or anyone else. (Thanks goodness, 'cause that's not likely to happen in my world now! :? )

But I also got to know, without those wonderful ladies who can and do spend the huge bucks on this craft/art/hobby/career, think how limited we'd all be in our tool choices, and fabric selections, and beautiful pictures we see of quilts at the big shows. God love 'em, they absolutely serve a purpose that benefits all of us. As we've said before, there's room for all of us in this wonderful, colorful, huggable world.

Jan in VA
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