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Old 11-08-2010, 09:44 AM
Quilting Nana
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Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: La Verne, CA
Posts: 794

Originally Posted by LaurieE
I've been watching this forum since it started but was hesitant about signing up because I don't post often. I'm just not a chatty person. But, I need to lose the remaining 25 lbs and I need some serious encouragement along the way.

I'm having a hard time with this diet thing and food restrictions. I used to be one of those everyone hated because I was always so skinny and I could eat anything I wanted. Well, between menopause and a job change where I didn't move around any more, the weight just piled on.

From January to July I had lost 30 lbs and dropped my cholesterol from 284 to 234 which made my doctor very happy. He didn't have to put me on cholesterol medicine yet.

My problem is I started feeling deprived. I was also sick with one thing or another these last few months and my Classic Coke consumption went back up because I couldn't deal with it and being sick at the same time. I have to get that back under control too. Actually, that's most of my problem.

Thankfully I do zumba 3 nights a week and I'm sure that has kept me from putting back on those 30 lbs.

Tomorrow I'm back on track.
Today is a new day.
I have found that you do not need to deprive yourself you just need to keep your portions small and keep track of what you have eaten for the day.
If you want your coke you then have to give up something else.
You are now in. You don't have to be chatty just log in your successes each week. :thumbup:
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