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Old 11-08-2010, 09:29 PM
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Yikes! The year is almost over. Where has the time gone.
I have so enjoyed hearing from my SQA with her wonderful cards and notes. However, she must be really hiding, cuz she's been awfully quiet lately. Maybe now she needs me to send a note or card, and I have no addy that I can send to, so consider this your card dear SQA.

"May your fall be full of color, your home warm and cozy, your sewing days plenty. May you have an abundance of lifes necessities, the love and admiration of those near and dear, and may your cup overlow with His goodness and mercy. I think of you often, I pray you are ok, and I just want you to know how very much I have enjoyed this year and all that you have done for me. Wherever you are, whatever you are doing, whoever you are, know that I am grateful for you."
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