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Old 11-09-2010, 03:53 PM
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: dreaming of a simple life. Living off the grid!
Posts: 3,259

My adopted angel posted just before me.

The mail was brought in and there were a few packages, I do all on line shopping so packages is commom place here. In my mail was a sweet thinking of you card from my adopted angel. It put a smile on my face. A little while later I went to open the packages. There was a packet from Hancock. I was scanning my brain did I order something and not remember? No I didn't think so. Do they do back orders?????????? I couldn't rememeber having one, have I even ever ordered for them???????? I opened the package and it as the most perfect fabric for my DD quilt. Thank you so much it is EXACTLY what I would have picked out if I was picking it out myself.
Thank you for adopting me.{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}
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