Old 09-25-2008, 01:07 PM
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: northern New England
Posts: 459

Hi, Shelley. Funny you should ask that today. Tomorrow I take three quilts to someone new. Her work is amazing and her website and webshots page give full credit to the piecer of any quilts she posts (and she only does that with their permission). The other quilter was quite huffy when I spoke to her, refused to remove my quilts from her site, and said there was nothing I could do about it. Wrong...I took my business elsewhere. The new quilter was actually my first choice, but her lead time has always been quite long. Now that the economy is slower, she has less business and a shorter wait. I'll post pics when I get them back. I've seen her work (design, peicing and quilting) at quilt shows and have spoken to her several times. Her website is what made me contact her, so know that how you present things on your website is pretty important to potential clients. :wink:
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