Thread: Binding
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Old 11-10-2010, 07:43 AM
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Originally Posted by BMP
I was at a Christmas Bazzar at our local hospital where my husband works. There is always a quilt that is being raffled so I was looking closely at it and noticed the binding was done diferently than I have ever seen. The backing was brought around to the front. How is this done and is it easier than the traditional method. I am a beginner and it seems to me it might be an easier option.
I just did this on a baby blanket, and it turned out fine (but yes, the corners were a little bumpy). Fortunately, I had this great little gadget I got in a bag of old sewing notions -- it's a little bar that attaches to the top bar of your scissors, and you can set it for a certain distance up to 1.5 inches. So I had the backing down, then the batting, then the top. I pinned the top and batting real well, and then I cut the backing 1.5 inches wider using the guide attached to the scissors.

I then folded the binding up and over the front, pinned like crazy, and sewed it on. The pinning took a long time, but the sewing went quick. I'll probably do it again, but I won't use it every time.

I've also seen quilts where the sewist used Minkee on the back, pulled it up and over, stitched around the edge of the quilt, and then just trimmed as close to the sewing line as possible. I was amazed. It didn't unravel or anything, and while up close the cutting wasn't perfect, from a distance it was fine and it was such a soft binding it made up for it. Just another idea!

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