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Old 11-11-2010, 02:51 PM
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Originally Posted by MommaDorian
Here's what I've done so far:

I changed the needle, changed the thread, re-thread the bobbin with the new thread, and thoroughly cleaned the bobbin case. While it's better, I think it could be better yet.

Question now...where is the bobbin tension screw. Is this it, where I'm pointing in the picture?
No the bobbin tension screw will be on a small flat metal piece that is curved around the bobbin and which the thread goes through. In your pix it looks like it would be in the vicinity of the semi circular piece of metal just to the left of where you are pointing. Check your owners manual to see exact area, and which way to turn the screw. It is usually a very small screw and should only be turned 1/8 of a turn at a time. I think you should check to make sure that there is no lint or loose thread in between the upper tension discs. Sometimes you can run a piece of dental floss between the discs to clean them, or a pipe cleaner. Always do all you can with the top tension before touching the bottom tension setting as that one ususally doesn't need adjustment all that often. :)
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