Thread: UFO Challenge
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Old 09-28-2008, 02:58 PM
Elizabeth A.
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Thanks Gail. I'm glad to see them done, but I expected to get more enjoyment out of having it done. Perhaps I'll get that rush when I mail them at the post office. It's going to be a tight jam to get them all into one 12"X12"x5" flat rate box. I've been keeping them in that box, already labeled and good to go, but over the past couple of days they have been flowing out of the box quite a bit.

My next UFO is a blue Christmas quilt. As for my next charity project, I think I would like to make a child's quilt, but that is a project for another month. I had no idea how much time I had left on some of my UFO's, but hey you should know all about that starting from the ground up on your quilts.
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