Old 11-13-2010, 08:07 AM
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Originally Posted by sandpat
That was quite the haul Kathy! I love that gradiated batik too..I think I have some that exact color! Which of your projects will get all these little beauties??
I've got a Sylvia's Bridal Sampler, Affairs of the Heart & always a Mariner's compass or 2 lurking. Was thinking about Little Brown Bird, but the book is out of print & copies are outrageous right now. Will wait until Amazon.com has them at a more reasonable price.

This is just a sample of what I will probably collect. For the most part, I only bought 1/4 yard cuts. This way I'm challenged to use lots of fabrics, or be judicious in what I put where. "If I only have just so much, how & where will I use it to make the most of it?" That is half the fun of sampler quilts!

By the by, Jane's Journey is getting her final musliln borders as we speak - sort of. I'm taking a break to get a pot of spaghetti sauce going, but thought I'd check in. The backing fabric is in the wash, the batting has been spread out on the basting table & I'm ready to get her basted - probably tomorrow or later tonight. We still haven't had a frost, but any day - goal is in sight!

Love you guys.

P.S. The ladies at quilt club Thursday night were thrilled when I presented myself for show & tell. I was showing ME bacause they were going to see a lot more of ME in the coming years now that DH has a job right here! Also showed my Harbor Freight carpet cutter & blades. They were thrilled to find reasonable priced rotary blades.
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