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Old 11-13-2010, 06:23 PM
aussie bella
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Melbourne Australia
Posts: 76

Originally Posted by Katrine
Here is the second quilt I have done with the black and white lily fabric I cut as OBW.
I used alot of different shades of silver and blue (and black) metallics for the cubes.
The three large interlocking cubes alone have 242 separate pieces in (I counted them eventually! :lol: )
It was slow going because I did as the book said (One Block Wonders Cubed) - which was cut and put one triangle on the board before starting another. I think it would nigh on impossible to cut all those in one go and not get in a muddle. I drew up a graph and list to work from.
I cut some small differing size cubes and put them into some of the black and white hexagon blocks.
Each b/w hex has a silver metallic hexagon quilted in the middle, and I just meandered over the remainder, but I did SID on the cubes.
The silver metallic border cubes and crystal shapes are freehand, and I'm pleased with the effect.
When I started quilting I saw 2 errors, and couldnt face taking it apart - if you can spot them, please don't tell me .......
That is so cool, i haven't attempted one yet. It looks great and i couldn't see the mistakes, good on you and to have it handing.
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