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Old 11-14-2010, 05:33 AM
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I know what you mean! I'm 23 and just have a boyfriend. A couple friends of mine around my age got knocked up and married before they were old enough to drink! Most of my friends are either married, married with kids, getting married, or at least have a boyfriend. I'm in no rush to get married and don't plan on children until I'm at least 25. I want to live my life. I have seen the downsides to having children (as well as the upsides) from the friends who have had kids and its a lifestyle I do not want right now. These friends had goals and then they got pregnant right after graduating and these dreams are either broken or have went to the back burner. I don't want my dreams on the back burner or broken. I was the one who got on the pill BEFORE having kids (unlike them who thought of birth control only after an unplanned child) so I wouldn't end up that way! As far as the marriage thing goes, I want to find the right guy before doing so. Its a huge deal to get married and people don't seem to realize it changes everything. I've noticed the friends who had kids and married before the age of 20 fight a lot more (one is actually getting divorced). I'm not the type to want to date a guy for 6 months to a year and then get married right away or marry because there's a kid involved.

But I hadn't had a boyfriend for three years and it still SUCKED every single time someone got proposed to and got married. I'm the one who thinks this whole marriage and children thing sensibly yet somehow when I get news someone is getting married I end up feeling like the slow and stupid one of the bunch. Like "What's wrong with me?" or "I'm always going to be the bridesmaid...except only one person has asked me to be one so that's even worse!" Why does the sensible one feel dumb for not rushing into things???
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