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Old 11-14-2010, 10:18 AM
Ramona Byrd
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Join Date: May 2009
Location: Merced, CA
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[quote=ilovequilts]Okay, okay, I am old enough to be married, but what's the rush?! I'm 21 and today I ran into someone I've known for quite a while (a friends mom) and she proceeded to tell me of all my friends that are married, are getting married and says to me "Well Hailee, when's it YOUR turn?"
Just SMILE and tell them you are waiting till you get dumb enough to lose your independence.
Well, maybe not, but SMILE and think that at the same time.

You could ask her why she feels like it's her business.
Well, maybe not, but why do people say things like that?

Personally, I wish I'd waited till I met my late DH, with whom I had a loving relationship for 39 1/2 years. He's been gone almost 4 years, and still the only men I've even had coffee with have been my brothers, son and SIL.

I got married far too young, don't regret my good kids but the first man could have waited...and waited...and waited
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