Old 09-29-2008, 05:14 PM
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Wichita KS
Posts: 752

I seem to remember wrapping the thread around the needle a couple times and pulling that through. It may seem wierd that I can't remember, but 6 years ago, I had, let's say, an extremely traumatic event occur in my life that caused PTSD. "Everyday" things I used to do before that are very fuzzy in my head and I remember parts and pieces kind of like snapshots all mixed up. I can see myself wrapping the thread but it doesn't have the continuity necessary to remember it from start to finish. I;m wanting to remember how to do that knot when I get to the end of a line of quilting rather than the start. I have many moments like this where I realize I just cannot remember and it's so frustrating it makes me want to cry that those tiny little pieces of memory are just gone. I don't even know what cute things my kids did that I loved and now those are maybe gone too. All that really hits home sometimes and it's just a silly little knot.
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