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Old 11-15-2010, 08:47 PM
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Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Kansas - north west corner
Posts: 547

I am so happy to read this thread. I am 31 and single and all my friends are constantly trying to get me hitched. I love them and their families I am the standby babysitter and love it. I can return their children :) But there are times I feel like they are pressuring me to get married. I don't mind the set-ups cause you will never meet Mr Right if I don't keep trying them on.
But as someone said earlier I want to find that one that lights up the room when I walk in, who understands me for me. And last but not least understands my fabric obsession, desire to quilt on a Friday night instead of going out, and that I spend a small fortune on a new embroidery machine :) Oh wait and I could wish likes to spend money at the quilt shop :-)
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