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Old 11-16-2010, 08:25 PM
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Originally Posted by ilovequilts
Okay, okay, I am old enough to be married, but what's the rush?! I'm 21 and today I ran into someone I've known for quite a while (a friends mom) and she proceeded to tell me of all my friends that are married, are getting married and says to me "Well Hailee, when's it YOUR turn?"

I wanted to respond rudely, but merely laughed it off...then called my mom and vented about it.

Seriously. Is it really that bad that I'm 21 and not yet married? grr...
Heavens, no! I was almost 26 when I married (almost 38 years ago now), and my younger sisters were even closer to 30. You'll know when it's time...God bless!
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