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Old 11-17-2010, 08:39 PM
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Originally Posted by liondenise
have any of you considered making quilts for disabled vets that are in nursing homes or v a hospitals? they don't even have to be disabled - they have laid their lives on the line to protect our freedom - time to say thanks and give a little comfort to them -
I am a member of The American Legion Auxiliary. I joined for one reason: to ensure that our veterans were being served in the manner that I could serve.
When my daughter, one Christmas, vowed that our family outreach would be VETERANS, I set out to find out how to do that most effectively.
I had a choice or two or three!
I was aware of online organizations that gave out free patterns, took in all the largess of whatever gifts or talents we had, and after my paying postage to get the products to them, they would distribute anywhere and wherever their stated mission took them.
I could start from scratch and make up my own group, either locally (though I didn't know many people around here) or I could go online and make some friends and start my own online operation ....
I could find someone acting locally who had already figured out what the needs were, how to get those needs filled, and all I had to invest was my time in production, rather than keep track of a bunch of other producers.
in other words, I could re-invent the wheel, or get aboard a wheel already turning.
and, I found the American Legion family.
I found a niche immediately because I knew what I wanted to do - - all the Auxiliary had to do was point me to my outlet.
The wonderful thing is: the more time I spent around the Legion, the more inclusive I found the principles and programs to be.
Basically, The American Legion Family has three points of outlet - - Veterans, Children and Youth, and the Community.
If you have a heart to serve others - - The American Legion Family will help you fulfill that desire, sometimes, in more ways than you can imagine.
Here in Washington State, I can tell you three places IMMEDIATELY that can use your quilts, and if Operation Stork, Fisher House, and a local children's program doesn't catch you fancy, I'll bet your local American Legion Family will help you find the place to serve. <wave>
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