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Old 11-19-2010, 06:05 AM
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Originally Posted by roserips
In a machine you get what you pay for like a car. Years ago I spent $1,000.00 dollars for a Pfaff, it has been a wonderful machine but I finally have wore it out and Pfaff no longer makes the machines. Today I am saving for a Bernina 730, of course my Dream Machine is is the 830, but a lot more money.... who knows maybe one day soon I will own one.
I have come to feel that if you buy a very expensive piece of equipment (sewing machine, car, etc.) that lasts for 20 years - you will miss out on the new technology that's developed in the next 20 years. I had an expensive machine many many years ago, but it didn't have needle-down, push button start and stop, etc. I would prefer to buy a reasonably priced machine that will do a great job for the next five years, and then have the ability to buy an new machine with new technology IF I choose to do so without feeling like I HAVE to use the old machine for 20 years because I paid so much for it.

And another thing ( I really don't have my boxing gloves on!) an expensive car doesn't guarantee better reliability. I had a Jaguar that drained my little wallet so badly that it only was driven for 18 months before it went on to it's new home. My little Toyota, on the other hand, has been taking me everywhere I need to go with no breakdowns for the past five years.

Bottom line - we all have to manage to our own budget and choose what we are comfortable with.
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