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Old 11-19-2010, 09:20 PM
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Originally Posted by deema
I live in Canada, so we don't have the Black Friday thing going on...but I HATE shopping when it's busy. I purposely do any Christmas Shopping BEFORE the end of November - this year, the majority was done by end October, just a few small things to get - because I hate hate hate going anywhere near shopping malls and department stores at Christmas time. I hate the chaos...sooooo I highly doubt that I would venture out on Black Friday unless there was something very specific that I really wanted to get...and even then, it's a long shot! haha
I'm a Canuck too and I'd avoid Black Friday like the plague.
I don't even do groceries on weekends or evenings because I hate the crowds and empty shelves.
I like to get in and get out.
So, no Black Friday for me.
But then, a couple of years ago, I do vaguely remember standing in line at a ToysRus at 7:00 AM to get a Wii.
But that's another story.
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