Thread: Good morning!
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Old 10-05-2008, 05:55 AM
spatulagirl's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Richmond, VA
Posts: 13

Hello, all!

Just dropping off an intro since I've already posted a few questions, and I realized that might be rude :D.

Anyway, I'm Amanda. 33 year old married working mom of 1. I work for a major non-profit in the healthcare markets and I adore my job! My son just turned two, and is a handful, but is an absolute doll. We recently relocated, and my husband made fun of me when the first thing I had to pack was my stash and my machine (we're still trying to sell our house in OH, so we're moving in drips and drabs - staying with my parents in VA until the house sells) :D .

Anyway, I'm mostly a hand-quilter, and have been quilting (mostly sewing tops and slowly quilting those :lol: ) for about 4 years, but I'm trying to learn to quilt by machine now - self-teaching, unfortunately, but I'm getting there. I enjoy hand-quilting for the relaxation factor, but I've found myself growing impatient. My little cheapie machine is actually great for piecing, but I don't know how well it'll handle long-term machine quilting.

I have a LOT to learn, but I know my skills are getting better all the time. I want to learn to machine applique (although I have never much of that by hand, either), and eventually, I would like to learn to use a long-arm, but that's a little further down the road :).

Aside from quilting, I love watching TV (especially The Office, 30 Rock, Torchwood, Doctor Who, Ghost Hunters, and a whole host of other shows), reading, writing, playing with my kiddo, and I've recently discovered the joy of texting ;).

I'm really happy to find a board devoted to quilting! :)
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