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Old 11-21-2010, 02:57 PM
Junior Member
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Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Glen St Mary, Florida, USA
Posts: 172

A girlfriend of mine has an Aunt that works at a moving company and called me last week. She was so excited. A woman had moved and had given all this material to the company because she was tired of moving it. I bought the lot of it for $100.00. I could not believe how much was there. There was 3 huge boxes full of items, 1 full of nothing but material. The other 2 boxes had rulers, mats, and even some pieces of the Handi Quilter. This is not to mention the patterns and jelly rolls and charm packs. I am trying to get some more people to learn quilting at my church and with this bounty I can get them started.
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