Old 11-21-2010, 04:52 PM
Power Poster
Join Date: Sep 2007
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Lesley...well SLAP ME IN THE HEAD! You DID sew through both the block and the batting. These pics show it to me much better, or it may be that I'm further along and I'm thinking it through better. Thanks...I think I've FINALLY gotten it through my head! So now I see that I actually can quilt closer to the edge with no problem.

Pookie and Kathy...I looked at that Ladies of the Sea also..it is a gorgeous quilt!!

Sandy...feel free to dive right in! A group of us started the quilt last January (2010) and we are scheduled to finish it up in May 2011. We used a schedule that is posted by the week in the Dear Jane virtual section. Scroll to the top of this page and above where all the posts start, you will see a title saying "related virtual sections"..under that is Jane Stickle whatever....in blue letters. click on that and then subscribe to it and you will see all the threads for the project. Jump in anywhere and we will all be here to cheer you on and help you whine your way through it :wink:
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