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Old 11-22-2010, 10:10 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Oakville,ON
Posts: 170

Originally Posted by Aunt Retta
So cool! I have taught many Autistic students. I also had an foster son for three years that had aspburgers(high functioning Autism.)
Sometimes his reasoning skills were unique. One rainy day he got wet on the way to school. At recess the teachers kept telling him to stay out of the water, later I got a phone call and he had to stay in for some recesses. When he got home I asked him what was up with that. He said he was already wet so he didn't need to stay out of the water.

He was totally serious, that is what he really thought. He was sooo mad at the teacher that made him stay in.
This is my son Stephen to a T...

We had a huge meeting at school today and several times someone had to point out to the teacher, does she think Stephen realizes that you can't make comments about people, do you think Stephen KNOWS what to do in social situations? The answer was no, I'm hoping by the end of it she's caught on!
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