Thread: Why?
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Old 11-23-2010, 07:34 AM
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I think its a bit of a tease when people here are trying to sell something in the Classifieds section and someone posts something like "You got nice fabric/patterns/quilts! Good luck selling it!" I don't think they do it to be mean, though.

Honestly I don't think people respond to a question without a real answer or an ad without interest in buying to be a tease or to up their comment numbers. I really think the quilters on here are really supportive and nice so people do respond with things like "I don't know, but I hope you find the answer." I'd rather have that than negitive answers telling me I'm an idiot for asking such things. We've all heard the horror stories about a new quilter going to a guild made up of quilters set in their ways and not being very supportive. Here its just the opposite. I'm not a new quilter (4 years in December), but I haven't completed very many projects and I didn't quilt a thing for such a long time that when I came back on here with a project in mind I found that I forgot a lot of things that I thought I knew. And I felt so STUPID for asking questions about these things to begin with, but no one ever said I was stupid for not knowing how to do something and were happy to give answers. That's a comforting thing to know there is a lot of support on here.
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