Old 11-23-2010, 09:08 AM
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: dreaming of a simple life. Living off the grid!
Posts: 3,259

Originally Posted by Quilting Nana

Please do not mess around with that pain. Please go get checked out.
It is VERY dangerous to self diagnose.
Here's the thing, I exist I do not have a life. I am feel sick all the time, I have not left my house in almost 6 years. I needed surgery over a year agofor something not my heart I didn't have it done. Besides the fact I had no one to take care of me after the surgery I didn't have it because my feeling was let it kill me. I called my son just to let him know where important papers were if anything did happen last night. This does not casue chest pain but I have superventricular attackacardia (SP?) my heart races it has been up to 220 your heart can explode at the rate. I have been rushed to the ER a few times. I will no longer go if it happens. I suffer with my disability each and every minute of each and everyday. I NEVER have good days somedays I don't even have good minutes. Death by natural causes is the way out. There is no cure or relief from my disability so why should I get help for other medial conditions and maybe prolong my life of suffering People pray to not die I pray everynight I will.
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