Old 11-27-2010, 02:02 PM
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Originally Posted by sandpat
OK ladies...here is Patrice's response to our question. I think we are ok to go :D:

From: PatriceJ (all from/all to)
Subject: Re: Group project question

i have no objections. you've already taken care of the potentially sticky copyrights issues, so it should be lots of fun. the Jane project has inspired at least two similar activities here. i think it's great!

sandpat wrote:
Hey Patrice.. hope your holiday weekend is going well..I have a question. The group that is working on the Dear Jane quilt is talking about working on another quilt as a group to start probably in May/June of 2011. We are looking at Affairs of the Heart and/or Little Brown Bird. If we are all purchasing the book and/or software, do we have a problem with listing it by the title of the quilt and working on it on the QB? We are not planning to share the patterns...just posting pics of completed blocks and sharing tips/advice..etc..like we are doing for the Jane quilt. Your thoughts???

Thank you, Patti!!!!! I was a tad bit worried, but it looks like we can plunge ahead.

Am going to the library on Monday to see if they have the LBB book that I can borrow for a while. I was going to get it as a Christmas present to me, but Amazon.com has 1-2 MONTH shipping right now - unless you choose the overnight method - I think not! Am also going to the LQS and will check to see if they still have a copy. I think I remember seeing it there, quite a while ago. Still need to get The Farmer's Wife Sampler book/CD - comes as a set. Wish more did that.

Went to Texas to the other LQS in the area - 57 miles & a time zone away. They had some beautiful batiks, but only bought 5 -1/4 yards - 2 as FQs. Got a Pounce set-up + refil & 3 continuous line stencils. Had a $5 gift certificate from quilt club - what a neat way to entice customers. You know about $$$ burning a hole... It would expire Dec. 31. I was entered in a drawing for a bottom of the line embroidery machine because I spent $5. Another inventive way to draw customers. I don't remember when the drawing is - they have my phone #.

It's a sweet little place, but she will grow - very friendly. Half of the quilt club there also comes to our quilt club, so I knew everyone who came into the store! Even though it's 57 miles away, only takes about 1/2 hour to get there - speed limit is 75 on this 2-lane Farm Road! And those Texas drivers drive way more than the limit!

Back to JJ - am quilting away, thinking about what I am going to do once I get to the plain border triangles.
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