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Old 11-29-2010, 02:51 AM
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Washington State
Posts: 1,312

I have made a couple of stencils this weekend to use with my longarm. They are so easy to do. I have taken the clear plastic transparency that you use for overhead projectors and trace out the design or pattern that I want. Alot of the designs or patterns that I want to use are from books or magazines, coloring books or fabric - whatever has a picture or thing that I like. Then I sew along the lines that I traced with my regular sewing machine without any thread in it, so basically I am just perforating it along the lines. Then I use my pounce pad with the chalk in it on the transparency at the place on the quilt that I want the design. When I lay the transparency on my quilt top I lay it with the needle holes facing upward that way the chalk goes into the holes better. It marks my quilt top very nicely without leaving alot of chalk on the top (like some of the store bought stencils do). Does anyone else have any ideas on home made stencils?

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