Thread: Fabric Waste
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Old 11-29-2010, 01:28 PM
Super Member
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 1,265

I cut up what's left into a mix of 1.5" strips (braid quilts of any size),4" squares (to be used in a number of quilt blocks, 3x6 rectangles (for brick or Chinese coin quilts), and one 3" square for a small spool block for a spool scrap quilt I'm planning. I store these "cut ups" in clean large plastic cat litter jugs until full, then either turn them over to one of my guilds' bees (miniature bee, a crazy-quilt bee, or community service quilts), OR BETTER YET negotiate the fabric for a finished project (small wall hanging, doll quilt, table runner, etc.) which I then keep for myself or regift (guild exchanges, door prize donations, hostess gifts, holidays).
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