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Old 11-29-2010, 11:36 PM
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Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Sleepless South of Seattle
Posts: 374

I live in Kent and know of the 4 ambushed police officers deaths well. What a great thing you are doing I'm sure the familes will cherish them. Despite the horrific incident it has proven how the human spirit can reach out and people can come together. You are their supporting angel.

I have learned as I have gotten older that it never hurts to ask. All they can do is say no or surprise you and send you a wind fall.

Originally Posted by GrannieAnnie
Originally Posted by Quiltforme
Some of you know that i make quilts for a non profit. I don't like to promote my non profit we are a recognized charity and I don't want anyone to think it is the only reason I joined the board but we are a support to our local heros and I make quilts for the families. A few months ago I sent letters to all of the fabric manufactuers asking for a donation of fabric I figured it was a long shot and after a few months went I decided to not worry about it if it was meant to be it would. I did get one letter stating that because of the massive request that they decided to give to one cause. Which for me was fine I knew all I had to do was ask.
On Saturday I went to get the mail and found we had a package both my husband and I could not figure out what it was for so we had to wait till today to pick it up.(So all weekend under I was getting ready to yell at my husband for purchasing something from an infomercial and "forgetting" to tell me) Then the lady behind the counter came out with a box so big could barely carry it which scared me because how was I going to get this package to my car. Then I saw the return lable it was from one of the manufactureres I sent a letter to. I could not believe my eyes I looked at the lady and said do you know what this is!!! Of course she didn't I said it is fabric!!! the company sent us fabric!!!! Needless to say my mood went from painful morning to joyful afternoon!!!! I cannot believe the beautiful fabric they sent many yards of fabric and all of it is excatly what I needed to make our quilts. Today of all days for this to come it happens to be the anniversary of a horrific murder of 4 of our Officers. You might have heard of the Lakewood 4 Police officers they were ambused in a coffee house. It still just as hard for these families I have made 2 quilts so far and this fabric will go to make quilts for 2 of the officers. I am so humbled at their gift I have been trying to figure out how I was going to back some of the quilts tops I have. They managed to get every branch of the Heros we help! What a joy to share with you!
Wow. the company really listened---------all of it is very appropriate for a masculine quilt. Adn thanks to the company.
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