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Old 11-30-2010, 06:00 PM
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Never before have I decorated before December, but tonight I am listening to holiday music in the living room where a slender tree is filled with handmade ornaments, family photos and saved memories (like the origami rooster made in 1968 -- when money was scare ). The dining room has glass Santas, poinsettias and snowflakes. The kitchen tree has flamingos. Tiny l tree for granddaughter's room has mini ornaments. (Living room tree also has half a dozen pug ornaments and a dozen or so dragonflies.) Yes, I decorated the backs. My friend says it looks like the bird of Christmas flew over, had an accident and out popped a hodge-podge or ornaments. Around the rooms are scores of Santas, angels, several creche sets and who knows what else. What tickles my fancy is a neon flamingo in front of kitchen tree (husband's idea.). Tippi the pug is ignoring it all. Excessive but fun.
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