Old 12-02-2010, 05:43 AM
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Okay, it is December and I am not going to lose this month. I'm not even going to try to lose this month. I'm going to eat well, sleep well, walk every day, enjoy my family, and see if living right will help me get my focus on the right track.

Since 2011 will be my year, I am also going to make a center for a weight loss/get healthy quilt. I haven't finished designing it yet, but something in each block will account for each pound lost. The center of each block will represent the new habit/life change for the month. January's block will have a mirror in it because the focus will be "Me First" when it comes to my health. January will be all about getting those annual check-up things I really hate out of the way.

February will be something about improving heart health.
March will be "March into that kitchen and take control." get rid of junk.
April might be "Get outside every day."

If you have ideas, let me know. I'll post pictures of my blocks as I go.
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