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Old 12-02-2010, 08:04 AM
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I like your color choices.
And, I appreciate that you mentioned just pulling from stash. I was worried that I wasn't being true to the system because I kept finding YARDAGE rather than scraps.
Your comment has put my restless mind aside and I will be happy - - I am lessening my amount of stash, and after re-reading Miss Bonnie's comments, I realized that it was okay to cut up all the pieces left from another project.
One baggy free and clear of green.
Will be interesting to see how many units I actually end up with because I gave up trying to keep track of inches and just kept cutting until I was tired of that color or ran out of it.
I am cutting the pieces for both parts before stitching the units (one operation at a time since I am behind) ... so will probably not be posting sewn units until tomorrow or tomorrow evening.
It is fun to be sewing with friends <wave>
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