Old 12-02-2010, 09:34 AM
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Location: Rapid City, SD
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HEY HEY HEY!! I am HERE!! I. AM. HERE. Did you guys here me yelling all the way from South Dakota????

Tru...Gwyn...all of you! Listen up!

I am here and I am back and in force. I am so happy for Bonnie!! YAY for the big loss!!

What is going on here for Miss Missy? Nothing. Except for remodeling and sneezing and snotting. What is snotting you ask? You do not want to know. It is so not pretty.

How are the voices? They are sometimes here and sometimes there. But, I am doing good cause I am being a good girl and taking my meds.

My therapist's water broke this morning so no Audra for 12+ weeks. Ugh. I am going to miss her very much.

I have decided and then undecided and then decided again what fabric to use to make this quilt I am doing for the Navy newlyweds I have adopted.

Well I have just been told my Mr. Butt Crack that he is going to start spraying the ceiling so I have to get my laptop out of the living room. UGH. Did I say yet how much I hate remodeling???

Love y'all!


PS: I am posting this on both this thread and the December thread. Just for S&Gs.
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