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Old 12-03-2010, 06:27 AM
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Originally Posted by grammyjo
I'm a hand quilter and love it. But for some reason, I only quilt in the evening, while watching TV. Quilting in the daytime makes me feel guilty, like I should be doing some "housework" thing. I do piecing, cutting and all the rest during the day and that feels OK. But sitting, relaxing and quilting (just like reading a book), only happens in the evening. So I'm anxious to know when you quilt.
I am the very same, grammyjo. I only quilt in the evening while watching TV. If I do it during the day I feel guilty because I enjoy it so much. Same way with reading a book. You would think after raising four children and spending 37 years in the workplace (I'm now retired) that I shouldn't feel guilty doing something I enjoy whenever I want to do it.
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