Old 12-24-2006, 02:01 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 136

Originally Posted by lin-sue

Merry Christmas to everyone. I'm a new quilter although I learned to sew when I was about 12. I haven't sewn for years. I received from my husband's in-laws a wooden coffee box with quite a few old dresses from his aunts and grandmother. He & I spent the past several months tearing them apart. I've got them in plastic bags in a large box. Searched for a suitable method of using them over that time. I've decided on a Cathedral Quilt (although I do realize it's not a traditional quilt). I've made a quick quilt (all machine made) for my husband's uncle & a scrappy quilt for my uncle for this Christmas. I'm assuming the Cathedral will be about a 2 year project & give me some hand work for evenings & when I sit in doctor's offices', etc.

I'm looking forward to learning more with the forums & the newsletters.


southwestern Pennsylvania
I am not trying to sound bossy. But please don't let the fabric stay in those plastic bags to long it will make them sweat and mold at the very least open them up for air to get into. I learned this the hard way.
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