Old 12-05-2010, 10:28 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 116


Oh you'd so win that bet. My 8 y/o DGD came home with the script to the play she is to be in this month: "Paint the Town December." Included in this offering is Kwanzaa, Ramadan, Hanukkah, but nowhere is acknowledged the reason for the season. The journey of Joseph and Mary is mentioned, but not the Christ Child. The teachings of Allah are included, but not Christianity. I am so offended. I can and do respect other beliefs and cultures. I don't think it is unreasonable to be able to acknowledge Jesus at this time. I wonder if I am the only one that feels this way. I am so glad that I will have a part in presenting our Saviour in church on Christmas morning. God bless you all. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to vent!

You're welcome! You've probably voiced the feeling of many on this board.

It would seem that most "western countries" are having the same problems. I have rellies in the UK and many people here in Aust. feel the same.
I would never have considered myself racest(sp) and in fact along with my family, helped many "early" migrants - italian, greek etc to assymilate into our community. They had their ideals, and beliefs, and we respected them, but they tried to BECOME Australians, now with the new influx of migrants we are having to learn THEIR ways and our children have to forsake our ideals and beliefs and the joys of our religious festivities because it offends the newcommers. I don't get it. I do not begrudge them coming here and keeping in touch with their history, but also let us keep to our history. Sorry should have probably put this in another topic.
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