Thread: Girl hunters
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Old 12-06-2010, 01:43 PM
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Originally Posted by akrogirl
Originally Posted by mayday
Originally Posted by DebsShelties
I dislike hunting all the way around, and I wonder what did that POOR animal ever do to deserve getting shot, left in pain till they were killed/killed outright. Which was here first? The animals were, we as humans ran off the natural preditors and now have an over population of certain animals.
Just so we humans could build houses in woods etc.
Sad really.
Same here. Sadly, I have worked with many more guys who hunted for the thrill of the kill than to put needed food on the table.
I totally agree, I think hunting should be outlawed. I ran into a young gentleman not to long ago bragging about how he bagged a 10 point buck. I asked him what did that poor deer do to you, his answer nothin, it was fun killing it though. Made me want to throw up.
We humans ran them off of their homes, so those who complain about things like rattlesnakes on their front porch, I just shake my head and ask them why on earth did you build over the snakes underground nest?
Where are animals supposed to go when you destroy their home?
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