Old 12-08-2010, 02:09 PM
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NO! They will show you how to check the fluids and how to properly do a pretrip inspection of your truck and trailor, and a post trip after you finish your driving time. But you should actually be visually doing an inspection each time you stop your truck, say to use a bathroom, stop to eat or just take a short nap, and before moving your truck agaain. You may have had a tire go flat. Some jokestaer may have switched your airline on the trailor. Some one may have pulled the pin on your fifth wheel. And as you drive away the trailor falls off your tractor, or becomes disengaged while actually driving down the highway. I have seen tires roll by because the lugs were loosened on a truck and came off it while going down the highway!The schools are going to teach you. When you are excepted for employment its time for orientation. The Trucking company is now going to go over what you should have learned again, in part and teach you what they expect from you. You do lots of paperwork and videos and they test you. Do not sleep thru this. Of course they do their drug screening. Fail that your out. Hope you have money to get home. They do not pay your way home YOUR ON YOUR OWN and escorted of the property. Anytime they put you out of Orientation for any reason your thru and they will file a DAC REPORT ON YOU!! NOT GOOD!! Especially when your new!They also give you a drive test. To see where your skill of handling that truck is at and how well you learned to shift that transmission. Backing properly is a must. I have seen supposedly experienced drivers cause the transmission to drop out of the truck. A SIGHT TO BEHOLD!! Before they could get out of the yard and onto the road off the property! If you pay attention and get thru all this, they assign you a driver trainer. You may not get along or feel their hygiene is lacking. One student was assigned a lady weighing 600 lbs. We called her Little Mary. Her student walked back to the company after she stripped naked and layed in the bunk. And tried to get him to service her. He made a good move immediately safely parking the truck and returning to the yard!! I will admit I too was hysterically laughing ! But we took him into the office and more then one of the regular employees had some stuff to say about her. Unfortunately it was several years later before they finally fired her and lots of shippers and receivers complaining about her. Kaiser who shippped coils actually locked her in the trailor while they went to luch after placing a large coil behind her while she was securing the previous in the trailor. Eventually they banned her from her properties. And I had to load her load for her more then once, or another driver who was in her immediate area. Eventually her sexual harrassment to other shipper and receivers got to be too much and they let her go. They had to eventually get rid of the Peterbuilt after cleaning it out, and detailing it because their was such a smell they could not get rid of it. Even after stripping the interior totally out twice! No one should ever put up with sexual misconduxct and report them immediately. A word of warning, it is best to stick to learning your job, and keeping your personal business your own. Sad but true, keep eyes and ears open and mouth shut. Learn what you need to do your job properly . This saves yourself from gossip and people twisting your words and creating problems. Something you might say could go back that you have problems at home and the trainer feels you can not properly do the job, and should be let go. The trainer is who the company depends on for how you will work for them, or if they think you are qualified to continue employment in order to assign you a truck. Do not discourage if you are asked to train longer, just do YOUR BEST! This is often when a new driver decides if this is really the job they want. It Exspect to be away from home 3 to 4 months. And training pay is less. You get paid for experience, you need to get that experince first. You will get trainee pay but not the starting pay till your on your own.
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