Old 12-08-2010, 03:12 PM
Jan in VA
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Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Piedmont Virginia in the Foothills of the Blue Ridge Mtns.
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Originally Posted by mountain deb
....and this will be a yearly thing, RIGHT!
Oh my goodness! You could have at least waited til late February to ask that! :shock: :lol:

I hope it does go on. I will happy to assist by consultation and sewing a quilt for anyone who wishes to pick up and carry the ball for the next year, but I am already scheduled for the whole year with several projects that have come about because of this Military Barracks Quilt Project.

This time, for me, many are local. They include designing and sewing a show quality queen-sized quilt for our American Legion to raffle to raise funds for its yearly projects. This is because they assisted in a big way toward shipping these quilts you've all made for Bert's boys. At the beginning of this project, we agreed it was a way I could help pay them back.

I will make another quilt for the National Guard for the same purpose.

I have two wounded warrior names who are personal friends of Bert's who have never received a quilt from the national QOV or AHQ, and I will make those, too.

I have been asked to write an article on this barracks quilts project for one of the major quilting magazines, but I won't devote time to that until the project itself is complete, as that is more important to me.

And, in the midst of all this, my DS is about to undergo her 3rd episode of chemo in her three year battle with ovarian cancer. She is on constant oxygen now and in a lot of pain. Cancer has metastasized to her lung, adrenals, and perhaps her hip bone. The docs are not sure whether the new cancer drug will help, but, if so, are giving her at least 6-7 more months. I believe she is the Blood Bought Redeemed of the Lord, and as such is healed of this hideous disease, but she does not enjoy life - hasn't for decades - and is looking forward to life in heaven after death. It is her decision and faith.

Nonetheless, my efforts will be more "home focused" over the next year as I care for her and her DD, my precious niece who thinks of me as her "other mother".

I don't tell you any of this to create a sob story, it's life, and we all deal with issues like these. But I do want to encourage someone, anyone, to take up the quilt gauntlet and run with it. There are a lot here who have gotten the "helping bug," they only need a leader!!

Jan in VA
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