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Old 12-08-2010, 03:37 PM
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Originally Posted by sandi65
Absolutely beautiful. If you don't mind me asking what pattern did you use. I need to make a quilt for my 13 year old grandson. (Dallas Cowboy colors), but have not found a pattern I like. I love this one. Beautiful work.
The pattern is very easy and fast to do. You take ten 5" strips of fabrics and sew then together lengthwise. You then cross-cut that into 2.5" wide rows. This creates rows of "bricks". You then cut 1/2 of a brick off the rightmost brick and sew that 1/2 brick to the left of the leftmost brick so that the rows are offset by 1/2 a brick now. Sew them together and now take another row and pick apart the seam of the rightmost brick and sew it to the left of the leftmost brick so that this row is now offset 1/2 a brick from the second row; then sew it to the second row. You then just continue on like this and it makes the zigzagging pattern.
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