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Old 12-08-2010, 05:26 PM
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WOW is all I can say! Received the most wonderful gift from my angel. It's an electric mini pie maker. I'll have my daughter take a pic and post it for me 'cause it's going to be a little hard to describe. What you do is put pie crust in the 4 little cavities, add a filling and top with crust. It crimps the crusts together when you close the lid and bakes them. You can do sweet or savory! It's absolutely fabulous! Oh and can't forget the jar of cherry pie filling that she sent with it! This was a very extravagent gift, but my angel has always been extravagent and generous to me and I can't thank her enough. Note to angel: you didn't reveal yourself and I'm hoping you do so that I can know who has been so good to me all year. There's a name on the packing slip, but not your board name, so I'm still in the dark. Of course, knowing that you're a little tricky, I'm not sure if the name is really you or if you had someone else send it for you. You've done this before! Please, please, let me know who you are!

I have a funny story about this gift. It comes from Williams Sonoma and I had ordered a Christmas gift for my daughter from them on Sat. When the box arrived on Mon I assumed it was my order and was amazed that it got here so quickly. I put it aside, and today decided to wrap it. At first I was going to just wrap the whole carton, but then thought I should really open it and make sure the order was complete. When I saw the pie maker I thought they had sent the wrong item. Good thing I read your comment and saw SQA at the end or I would have complained to Wm Sonoma! Imagine if I had not opened it, wrapped it and then received another box from them with my order. I would have thought they sent two and returned one and given my daughter the pie maker which is an amazing gift, but not what she asked for!
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