Thread: quilting guilds
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Old 12-09-2010, 02:25 AM
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I also had a bad experience when I was going to join a guild.It was so big, you were on a list & was supposed to join as an opening came up.A friend told me, they chose ppl from the list they were buddies with,that your name would be on there for yrs before you got in, if you ever did.
Not for me.My name describes me very well.I'd like the speakers & show & tell, but the Queen Bee syndrome is alive & well. Would love to have a small group of quilters such as you describe, but don't know other quilters.No prob tho, I'm used to it & gain so much from this board.

Originally Posted by tjradj
I do belong to a guild. The meetings are very formal and the attendance is usually around 200 people.
There isn't much camaraderie among new people. The old guard is a pretty tough clique to crack.
I even served on our quilt show committee to try to fit in but all we got was grief from the 'old gals.'
And yes, there are a few with the 'Queen Bee' syndrome.
The reason I still go is because I'm exposed to new things. We often have guest speakers that have a new take on quilting art. Some are absolutely beautiful, and inspiring.
I would not know about a lot of techniques and would not be challenged to try new things if I didn't go to my guild.
NOW, I also belong to another club.
There, we laugh, a lot.
It's a senior's group. But they adopted me, even though I'm not 'legal' as a senior. LOL
We sew. We stitch 'n bitch. And we laugh.. We support each other and we ooh and aah over each other's projects. We even 'do lunch.'
There is no comparison of the two.
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