Old 12-09-2010, 03:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Mrs B
Some Australians still celebrate as our British ancestors did. Roast pork, turkey, ham and all the rosted vegetables followed by plum pudding with custard, cream and ice cream. Brandy butter is also traditionally served with the plum pudding. All the left overs go to the park the next day for a picnic lunch with extended family.
We put up a tree with decorations, and lights. Some of the decorations were made by our chldren when they were at school. We also decorate the outside of our house with Christmas lights.
Midnight Mass or a family Mass on Christmas Eve followed by wrapping the presents and placing them under the tree to be found the next morning, by children or big kids is exciting.
We always watch Carols by candlelight on Christmas Eve.
We also used to go for the custard, cream and ice cream together on puddings, lol. Yummy!!!

Being a Brit, Boxing Day is an important part of the season. That was the day we would have ham, pork pie and trifle - almost better than Christmas Day :-)
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