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Old 12-09-2010, 04:25 PM
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Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Myrtle Beach, SC
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Well, I, for one, am not going crazy during the Christmas holiday spending money or baking like mad. First, money is precious and not enough of it so I am not spending mine on junk gifts or for people I don't like or know. The schools have hit us up with picture day, fund raisers, bazarrs, food drives and now holiday parties which almost seem back to back since school started. Am I right about this? I don't want to rain on anyones parade, but for heaven's sake, isn't there enough to do without all the school activities to add to it? My kids and grandchildren get stuff throughout the year so I don't see an issue if there isn't something under the tree. I think too many people forget the reason for the season.....has anyone even mentioned our Savior Jesus Christ? I am not getting all religious, but how about spending a peaceful and joyful holiday without the pressure of spending our last dime on giftgiving. Everyone bring a dish and enjoy each other's company instead. Makes sense to me and the dishes won't pile up in the sink either, nor will the host be pressured to cooking over a hot stove all day. Before you know it, the day is over and the stores are breaking out the chocolates for Valentines Day and swimsuits are just around the corner. Best way to get thru the season is to think rationally and spend wisely.

Wishing everyone a happy holiday and that you all stay safe and warm. Seasons Greetings.
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