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Old 12-09-2010, 09:07 PM
Marilyn_Wiggs's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Phelan, CA
Posts: 8

Hahaha. I don't know how fast I can become because that 8 point star today kicked my butt and I was at stress level 10 trying to get it right.

Yes, 92 wheelchair quilts and 92 throw size quilts is quite a project to take on but..............I must confess, I have started to cheat.

Along with making my own blocks which I will, of course, make into quilts for the vets, I'm buying blocks already made from Ebay. I got some lovely flannel blocks today (30 of them) and will be able to make 2 quilts with them. I usually put borders around each block to make the block larger, then sew them together to complete the quilt.

Of course I will let the VFW lady know I did NOT make the blocks themselves (the ones I bought off Ebay) but that I did put them together and completed the quilt. She won't care. She's just glad to be getting nice quilts to share with the vets in the Barstow vets home.

At least now I have a purpose for them; they will actually be used for a good cause so I am motivated to sew every day. It may take me a few years to get 184 quilts done but it shouldn't be too bad because 92 of them will be crib size (perfect for wheelchair bound people).

So, when I post here, don't be surprised if I am huffing and puffing while wiping the sweat off my brow and I'm in a frenzy. It's just me joyfully sewing my fingers off.

Hey, maybe I will get to be fast. Is there a Guinnes Book of World Records entry for the person that makes the fastest 12 or 24 block quilt? I just may win that coveted title. I won't guarantee the quilts will be any good but...

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