Thread: Check this out
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Old 12-10-2010, 04:31 AM
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Originally Posted by Japonica
This made me cry. We need to get out of this war.

I have 3 brothers that served in Vietnam. Two have already passed; before they turned 55. They could not handle the memories of war, so they chose "ways to escape". Those "ways" eventually took their lives. One was born on Christmas day.
I am sorry that you lost your brothers so young, I can not imagine what your parents went through having three sons serve.
We can NEVER comprehend the HELL these men went through.My heart is with each and every one. I have listened to the drunken ramblings when my brother calls at 0300, It is hard to hear the details of combat but it the least I can do for him. I have never heard him utter a word when he is sober.I have sat by many Veterens and tried to help ease the pain ,and held their hand while they took their last breath. Unfortunatly because of the "ways to escape" they choose many of their families havn't seen them for many years. They have so much torture locked inside......
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