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Old 12-11-2010, 06:46 AM
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Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Washburn, North Dakota
Posts: 257

When my children where young, I couldn't find my girl, looked everywhere, and the dryer was open, and usually I'd simply use the foot to close it. But something caught my eye, here she had snuggled into the dryer on her warm fresh blankie and fallen asleep. I raised 5 kids, and always looked into dryers before closing them after that.

Recently, I couldn't figure out why no one had called me, everyone in this family calls each other nearly hourly.
My phone was silent for hours. Went to change the laundry around and heard a strange buzz, thought maybe the washer was going out. As I shook clothes to put into the dryer, out dropped my cell phone (we don't have a land line phone), so I was without a phone for many hours. We live in the country, no one home but me, and my husband got worried I fell down stairs or had a heart attack, so called the sheriff to check if I was ok. Glad the family always contacts each other. I still felt pretty stupid, had forgot my phone in my jeans before I washed them, unusual, but I was so muddy from the garden work, I took the jeans off in the laundry rm, and ran upstairs to change. I hate having to find that cell phone, always laying it down somewhere waiting for someone to call so I can hear it and find it.
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