Old 12-12-2010, 04:14 PM
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Washington State
Posts: 1,312

Originally Posted by MissyGirl
Originally Posted by remclave
OMG! I finally found the rest of my X-mas ornaments! My tree has personality now! :D

Bonnie, your quilt is very beautiful!

One day I will have time to learn how to make quilts! I have some hexagons put together and I have fabric to make a practice D4P but I must get through my list of other projects that is a mile long! I even have lots of muslin for backing! So close! Yet so far....
Hang in there! You cannot do a ton of things at once. I feel that same way though. I have two quilts I REALLY want to get done and I went off and started a zillion other projects with all that denim. I just wish I could take my own advice! *SIGH*

This is exactly why my new years resolution for 2011 is that I can't start any new projects until I finish all of my current projects that I have already started but not finished. This is just for the year 2011 because honestly I don't know if I can finish all of them in just one year, but I don't want to put to long of a timeframe on any new ones. The only exception is if there is a wedding or baby that comes up in 2011 that has been planned on.

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